Below you will find a few gaurdrails to help guide you as you launch your new group. These are just gaurdrails, the desire is for your group to function in a way that is most beneficial for the pastors in your group.
How To Start:
Meetonce a month, pick a day and time that works best for your group of pastors.
Keep your group small,4-6 pastors.
Include pastors in yourlocal neighborhood, ideally within a 10 minute drive of each other.
Groups usually function best if the pastors in your group serve insimilar rolesat their church.
Have aset of questionsyou ask each pastor everytime you meet. This ensures every pastors is heard and their souls are ministered to in a safe environment. (See suggested questions below.)
Register your groupusing the link on this page.
Pastor Group Questions:
What’s one way you are caring for your spouse/family this month?
What’s one way you are caring for yourself this month?
What’s going on in your congregation that we can pray for?
What’s going on in your community that we can pray for?